A student’s contribution to and achievement in class are directly related to attendance. Both students and parents must understand that students miss a vital portion of their education when they are absent from school.

While it is true that written work can be completed for make-up, class instruction or presentations, discussions, some audio-visual presentations, or student-teacher interaction can never be made up.

Certain absences of students will be excused by the principal on receipt of a written, signed explanation from the parent or guardian. These absences will include:

1. Illness or quarantine;

2. Bereavement or serious illness in family;

3. Weather so inclement as to endanger the health of the child;

4. Observance of major religious holidays.

A child may also be excused for other exceptional reasons with approval of the school administrator. Also with such approval, students may be excused from school attendance for up to five days each term for attendance at a state or nationally recognized youth program of educational value.

In instances of chronic or irregular absence reportedly due to illness, the school administration may request a physician’s statement certifying such absences to be justifiable. Any absence other than excused absence is considered truancy.